What Happens When My Child Gets a Dental Filling? 

If you just learned that your child needs a dental filling to treat a cavity, your head may be racing with questions right now. You're probably even second-guessing yourself and wondering if this treatment is even necessary since baby teeth fall out anyway. 

Yes, baby teeth aren't permanent, but we don't want them to fall prematurely since that can affect the development of your child's adult teeth.

To help put your mind at ease, we're going to explain what you can expect during your child's dental filling procedure. 

Will My Child Feel Anything? 

The comfort of your child is among our priorities here at The Little Royals: Dentistry for Kids. We will apply a numbing gel and use a numbing injection to ensure your child won't feel any pain during the procedure. And, if your little one is especially anxious or tends to move a lot, we may also recommend sedation. At Little Royals: Dentistry for Kids, for example, we use laughing gas, which is a mild and safe sedative that doesn't require any needles and has almost no side effects. 

What Type of Filling Will You Use

At The Little Royals: Dentistry For Kids, we prefer to use composite resin fillings for a few key reasons:

  • Composite resin fillings will blend seamlessly with your child's teeth. That's because, unlike metal fillings, they can be made to match the exact color of your little one's pearly whites. 
  • Composite resin fillings require less tooth preparation, which means that the dentist will have to remove less enamel to add the filling. 
  • Composite resin fillings bond directly to the child's tooth, preventing the decay from expanding and finding its way back inside the tooth. 

What Will Happen During My Child's Appointment? 

After our dentists make sure that your child feels comfortable and is ready to receive the treatment, they will first apply the local anesthetics. 

The next step is to remove the decay using a small dental drill. After this, the dentist will disinfect the tooth to make sure all traces of bacteria are gone. Once the tooth is clean, they will apply the composite resin material to fill the hole. The filling is then hardened with UV light and polished. 

If your child received sedation, we will switch from laughing gas to oxygen to help flush the sedative out of his system. This will only take a couple of minutes and your child will be ready to go in no time. 

Do I Need to Follow Any Aftercare Tips? 

Pediatric dental fillings are usually straightforward and you don't need to do much after the treatment. Your child may be in a fussier mood, so you can have some treats or special activities prepared after the appointment to help them feel better. If they experience any pain or discomfort, you can easily manage it with some pain medication like ibuprofen. 

The Little Royals: Dentistry for Kids Is Here to Help 

If your child needs a pediatric dentist, our lovely Dr. Sal Colombo and Dr. Yasi Colombo are here to offer gentle yet professional care. 

Reach out to us online or call us at (561) 510-1450 to book your child's appointment. 

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