The Importance Of Modeling Good Dental Hygiene For Your Kids

Great oral health starts at home. While preventive care from The Little Royals: Dentistry for Kids is important, parents have a responsibility to make sure their kids take care of their smiles. And one of the most important things you can do is model good dental hygiene for your kids by brushing and flossing regularly.

Why does modeling good dental hygiene for your kids matter? Find out in this blog, and make sure you’re taking every step you can to keep your child’s smile healthy and strong.

1. You’ll Be A Role Model – “Monkey See, Monkey Do!” 

Kids look up to their parents, and want to imitate them. That’s why your kids may play “house,” pretend to have jobs, or even mimic your behavior or habits. 

So make sure that you’re a good role model for your kids when it comes to dental care. If your kids see you brushing and flossing regularly as they grow, they’re more likely to adopt the habit, and follow your good example. 

2. You Can Help Them Learn Proper Brushing Technique As They Grow

Kids can usually start brushing on their own around the age of 5 or 6. If your child is coordinated enough to tie their own shoes, they can usually brush on their own, too.

But that doesn’t mean they’ll know how to brush properly. So make sure you model good brushing technique, and brush your teeth alongside your kids to help them learn about how to clean their teeth thoroughly.

3. You Can Supervise Your Children To Ensure They’re Actually Brushing

As they grow, your kids may start to avoid brushing their teeth, but if you supervise them and make brushing a family activity, they won’t be able to pretend they’ve brushed their teeth. They’ll actually have to do it. And even if they don’t want to brush, they’ll benefit from better oral health. And rest assured, your kids will eventually grow out of this phase, and will be responsible enough to brush without your supervision.

4. Encourage Healthy Lifelong Oral Health & Hygiene Habits

The example you set as a parent won’t just affect how your child cares for their teeth now. It will affect their attitude toward dental care throughout the rest of your life. That’s a big responsibility!

By modeling good brushing behavior, providing your children with a balanced and tooth-healthy diet, and making sure you see the dentist every six months, you will be able to reinforce the importance of dentistry as your child grows, and encourage good oral health & hygiene habits that will stick with them as they grow into teenagers and adults.

Be A Good Example To Your Kids To Keep Their Smiles Strong! 

By modeling good dental hygiene to your kids, supervising them as they brush, and bringing them to see a pediatric dentist like Dr. Yasi Or Dr. Sal Colombo at The Little Royals: Dentistry For Kids, you can ensure they develop great life-long oral health habits. So don’t wait. If your little one is overdue for an appointment, contact us online or give us a call at (561) 510-1450 to schedule a consultation at our office.

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